Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tips for Inbound Call Center Agents in Handling Irate Callers

Irate callers are an unavoidable part of every business. But it is imperative for every business to keep up their duties to ensure every customer are satisfied with the services they got. At some point of every business transaction, it is expected to encounter customers who are not happy about some aspects of their relationship with the company that they are dealing with. Since customers are always right, tactics for handling this kind of situation over the phone are something that can be learned and acquiring these skills will make an inbound call center agent a valuable employee.

Most businesses today take advantage of the essential services assisted by the outsourcing service providers, such as customer support service. Customer support service is provided by inbound call center companies wherein call center agents answer these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Oftentimes these inbound call center agents receive calls from angry customers who are not necessarily former customers. However, majority of them will continue to have business with the company if an agent will go the extra mile just to assist to what they want and satisfactorily resolve their problem.

When customers are not happy or not satisfied, they may not express their discontentment to the company but they tell others about their bad experience. On average, an unhappy customer tells between 10 to 20 people about her or his bad experience. If 10 to 20 customers are not happy, the chances are, 100 to 200 people will hear the story, and the business reputation is certainly damaged.


Nobody wants to be ignored. When customers are angry, let them talk through their problems and as they talk, call center agents must show some indications that they are listening to them by saying “uh huh” or “really?” or “okay”. When customers are able to spend airing out their problems and emotions, they are likely to calm down right away. Call center agents must respond promptly to their concerns and let them know that helping them is a topmost priority.


As a representative of the company, an agent must not take it personally in handling complaints from irate customers. If they come to a point of being abusive and use foul words, an agent must remain calm and respond in a reasonable manner. If an agent or other staff from the company made a mistake, admit it or apologize in behalf of their colleague. Simply admitting a mistake is sometimes enough to satisfy the customer and helps resolve the problem.


Showing empathy when it is necessary implies that the agent feels the same way and understand how the customer feels. Nothing gets accomplished by trying to assert perfection for the company's image. Then ask questions about the facts and details of the matter after they complete their story. Complaining customers will remain loyal if their problems are fixed right away.

Tips on How to Land Your Dream Job at Philippines Call Center

Way back in the 1980's and early 1990's, the unemployment rate of Philippines was high and getting a good job was not easy. A college drop-out can not even get a job that pays well. Sometimes they would end up as a saleslady or a gasoline boy, and even a household help in foreign countries. Discrimination of applicants between private and public university graduates were commonly practiced by establishments. Those who graduated from exclusive schools or private institutions were prioritized and were likely to be hired.

The advancement of technology in this millennium has introduced a lot of flourishing careers to Filipinos. The rising Business Process Outsourcing or BPO industries in the Philippines have employed a lot of people and decreased the unemployment problem of the country as well. Since its emergence in the late 1990's till it tempestuously boosted in the late 2000, so many people aspire to land jobs at Philippines call center such as call center agents, team leaders, account managers, IT Professionals, or technical support representatives, because it provides attractive compensation and benefits.

Applying as a call center agent in this company does not require much of qualifications. You do not need to have a Bachelor's degree as a requirement for employment. What they require is proficiency in English, one that can easily adapt the American or British language. The reason behind is that most outsourcing companies cater to United States, United Kingdom, Canada, or Australia.

Tips and Suggestions

As mentioned earlier, this type of industry requires applicants to be proficient in English. If you think you do not have the skill yet, there are many ways to develop your language and communication skills.
  • Watch English Movies – It is a good practice to watch American or British movies and watch how the casts move their mouths. Also, take note of their accents.
  • Read Loud – Try to read aloud some English books, magazines, or tabloids. If you are not sure of the correct pronunciation of some words, try to look it up at the dictionary. If you do not know how to read the symbols of the pronunciation, try to search it at Merriam Webster online and listen to its pronunciation.
  • Talk in front of a mirror – Try practicing talking in front of a mirror. Practice the proper movement of your mouth and emphasize the vowel sounds correctly.
  • Call Center Academy – There are several schools that are offering basic call center training for a month of two, that would only cost for a few amount of money. Some would offer it for free if they believe you have the capacity to learn fast and they would help you endorse to call center companies.
If you plan of building a career in this type of industry and you do not have any idea about the industry yet, try to equip yourself with basic facts and knowledge about this industry by searching online or inquiring from a friend who is working in this industry. Typical questions are ask during the interview such as, what do you know about the company? What do you know about inbound call center or outbound call center? Or How can you handle irate customers? The answers are found in the internet and are self-explanatory.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas, A Significant Season for Telemarketing Call Centers

Christmas season has come once again. Gift-giving and many aspects of the Yuletide season greatly affect the economic activity of the whole planet. Parties are being held everywhere and almost everyday in the whole month of December, particularly in the Philippines. Shoppers are busy rushing out for the holiday sale. Gifts are attractively wrap for loved ones most specially for the children.

Every company holds a party for their employees as a sign of recognizing the holiday season, as well as recognizing the importance of their workers. For most workers, from janitors to top executives, it is the best time of the year where they can show off their most glamorous individuality. A sumptuous dinner is provided, free giveaways and gifts, raffle draw that carries big surprises, and special awards for some chosen employees, are always expected in every Christmas event.

For some big companies that can afford to hold Christmas parties at luxury hotel's function rooms, they try to book in advance to avoid the hectic schedules of the holiday. Philippines call center usually holds the biggest Christmas party in the country. This is because these companies have the most numbered workers and the call center agents are accounted to the largest portion of the population.

Call center agent is one of the most blessed employees in this Christmas season because of the numerous gift-giving from the company and from within their own department or team, apart from the 13th month pay that is obligatory for every company in this country. The sad part of being an agent is they have to work on holidays, even during Christmas eve or New Year's eve, if they are assigned to work on those days.

This season has become a significant event and a key sales period for businesses most specially with telemarketing call center companies. It is also the best time for these companies to launch new products or services that are perfect for gift-giving and giveaways. It is during at this time as well, when telemarketing call centers offer special prices to valued customers because of loyalty or repeat orders.

Telemarketing call centers help consumers shop conveniently specially at this Yuletide season. Modern consumers like to shop online or through shop TV for it is convenient and efficient, and it is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Outbound call centers and inbound call centers should provide a reliable and trustworthy services to maintain customer loyalty and satisfaction. Once these customers experience the convenience of buying online or through shop TV, they are likely to repeat orders in the future and eventually become your loyal customers.